Half wave rectifier circuit diagram - Definition, Explanation - eSaral

A device that converts alternating current into Direct current is called a rectifier. If you want to learn about the half-wave rectifier and half-wave rectifier circuit diagram then you are at the right place. Application of diode as a rectifier: An electronic device that converts alternating current into Direct current is called a rectifier. Half wave rectifier: A rectifier, which rectifies only one half of each ac supply cycle is called a half-wave rectifier. During the first half of the input...

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What is Diode in electronics - Definition, Important Points - eSaral

A diode is a PN junction device. If you want to know what is diode in electronics. Then keep reading. Diode A diode is a PN junction device Ideal diode Conducts with zero resistance when forward biased. Offer an infinite resistance when reverse biased. Practical Circuit For diode The practical characteristic curve for a diode: Important terms related to diode: Knee VoltageKnee voltage is defined as the forward voltage at which the current through the junction starts increasing rapidly.For silico...

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What is P-N junction - Definition, Explanation, Types - eSaral

P-N junctions are formed by diffusing trivalent impurity to one-half side and pentavalent impurity to another side. If you want to know what is P-N junction then keep reading this article. P-N Junction By merely Joining the two pieces a P-N Junction cannot be formed. P-N junctions are formed by diffusing trivalent impurity to one-half side and pentavalent impurity to another side. The plane dividing the two zones is known as a junction. P-N junction is unohmic As P-type semiconductor has a high ...

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What is Fermi energy level in semiconductors - Electronics - eSaral

Hey, Do you want to know what is fermi energy level in semiconductors? If yes. Then keep reading. Fermi Energy Level. Fermi energy is the maximum kinetic energy of an electron at 0 K these electrons are called Fermi electrons and energy level is known as Fermi energy level. It is always found between the conduction band and valance band Fermi Level is the energy that corresponds to the center of gravity of the conduction electrons and holes weighted according to their energies. In pure germanium...

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Types of Semiconductors - Types, Examples - eSaral

Semiconductor in an extremely pure form is known as an intrinsic semiconductor and The impure semiconductor material is called an extrinsic semiconductor. If you want to learn about the Types of Semiconductors then keep reading. Types of Semiconductors Pure or intrinsic semiconductor: A semiconductor in an extremely pure form is known as an intrinsic semiconductor. In an intrinsic semiconductor, the number of free electrons is always equal to the number of holes when an external field is applied...

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Effect of Temperature on semiconductor - Electronics - eSaral

Hey, do you want to learn about the Effect of Temperature on Semiconductor? If yes. Then keep reading. Effect of Temperature on Semiconductor At Absolute zero temperature Covalent Bonds are very strong and there is no free electron in the conduction band. For semiconductors at 0 K, the conduction band is empty while the valence band is full. Above Absolute zero temperature When temperature increases some of the covalent bonds are break due to thermal energy supplied. At room temperature, due to ...

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Classification of solids in terms of the forbidden energy gap - eSaral

hey, do you want to learn about the Classification of solids in terms of the forbidden energy gap? If yes. Then you are at the right place. Classification of solids in terms of the forbidden energy gap The width of the forbidden energy gap between the valence band and the conduction band distinguishes conductors, semiconductors, and insulators from each other. Comparison between conductor, semiconductor, and insulator: Difference between Valence, Conduction, and Forbidden Band Valence band: This...

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Energy band theory in solids - Electronics, Physics - eSaral

Hey, do you want to learn about the Energy band theory in solids? If yes. Then you are at the right place. Energy Bands in solid Valence band: The electrons in the outermost shells are not strongly bonded to their nuclei, these electrons are valence electrons. The band formed by these electrons is called the valence band. Conduction band: Valence electrons are loosely attached to the nucleus. Even at ordinary temperature, some of the valence electrons left the valence band. These are called free...

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What are the properties of semiconductors - Electronics - eSaral

Hey, do you want to know What are the properties of semiconductors? If yes. Then keep reading Semiconductor There are a large number of materials that have resistivities lying between those of an insulator and a conductor (See table). Such materials are known as ‘semiconductors’. At absolute zero, pure and perfect crystals of the semiconductors are nonconducting, their resistivity approaching to the resistivity of an insulator. They can be made conducting by adding impurities, thermal agitation,...

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Metals and Non-Metals - Class 10 - Short Notes (Mind Maps)

Get to learn all the formulae and important points of Metals and Non-Metals through this Mind Map. Download and share with your friends also. India's Best Exam Preparation for Class 10th - Download Now Download Download India's Best Exam Preparation for Class 10th - Download Now Download Revise Complete Science for Class 10. India's Best Exam Preparation for Class 10th - Download Now...

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Achromatism in lenses - Ray Optics, Physics - eSaral

Hey, do you want to learn about achromatism in lenses? If yes. Then keep reading Achromatism: We have just that when a white object is placed in front of a lens, then its images of different colors are formed at different positions and are of different sizes. These defects are called 'longitudinal chromatic aberration' and 'lateral chromatic aberration' respectively. If two or more lenses be different colors are in the same position and of the same size, then the combination is called 'achromati...

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Sign convention for lens - Concave and Convex Lens - eSaral

Hey, do you want to learn about the sign convention for lens? If yes. Then keep reading. Sign Convention Whenever and where possible, rays of light are taken to travel from left to right. The transverse distance measured from the optical center and is taken to be positive while those below it negative. Longitudinal distances are measured from the optical center and are taken to be positive if in the direction of light propagation and negative if opposite to it e.g., according to our convention c...

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Reflection through Concave Mirror - Ray Optics - eSaral

Hey, do you want to learn about Reflection through Concave Mirror? If yes. Then keep reading. Reflection through the concave mirror: F = Principal focus P = Pole of mirror C = Centre of curvature. PC = Radius of curvature. PF = Focal length. When a narrow beam of light traveling parallel to the principal axis is incident on the reflecting surface of the concave mirror, the beam after reflection converges at a point on the principal axis. Rules for ray diagrams: When a ray falls in the direction ...

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Light - Reflection and Refraction - Class 10 - Short Notes (Mind Maps)

Get to learn all the formulae and important points of Light - Reflection and Refraction through this Mind Map. Download and share with your friends also. India's Best Exam Preparation for Class 10th - Download Now Download India's Best Exam Preparation for Class 10th - Download Now Download Download Download Download Download Revise Complete Science for Class 10. India's Best Exam Preparation for Class 10th - Download Now...

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Difference between Compound Microscope and Astronomical Telescope - eSaral

Hey Do you want to know the difference between Compound Microscope and Astronomical Telescope? If yes. Then you are at the right place. S.no Compound - Microscope Astronomical - Telescope 1 It is used to increase visual angle of near tinyobject. It is used to increase the visual angle ofdistant large objects. 2 In it field and eye lense both are convergent, ofshort focal length and aperture. In it objective lens is of large focallength and aperture while eye lens of short focal length and apertu...

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Working of Telescope - Ray Optics, Class 12 - eSaral

A Telescope is an optical instrument used to increase the visual angle of distant large objects such as a star a planet. If you want to learn about the Working of a Telescope then keep reading. Telescope It is an optical instrument used to increase the visual angle of distant large objects such as a star a planet or a cliff etc. An astronomical telescope consists of two converging lenses. The one facing the object is called an objective or field - lens and has a large focal length and aperture, ...

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What is a compound microscope - Ray Optics - eSaral

Compound Microscope is consists of two convergent lenses of short focal lengths. If you don't know what is a compound microscope then this article is for you. Compound Microscope Construction: It consists of two convergent lenses of short focal lengths and apertures arranged co-axially lens (of focal length $\mathrm{f}_{\mathrm{O}}$) facing the object is called objective or field lens while the lens (of focal length $\mathrm{f}_{\mathrm{e}}$) facing the eye, eye-piece or ocular. The objective ha...

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What is simple microscope - Construction, Working - eSaral

Hey, do you want to know what is simple microscope? If yes. Then keep reading Microscope It is an optical instrument used to increase the visual angle of neat objects which are too small to be seen by the naked eye. Simple Microscope It is also known as a magnifying glass or simply magnifier and consists of a convergent lens with the object between its focus and optical center and eye close to it. The image formed by it is erect, virtually enlarged and on the same side of the lens between object...

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Sources of Energy - Class 10 Short Notes (Mind Maps)

Get to learn all the formulae and important points of Sources of Energy through this Mind Map. Download and share with your friends also. Download Download Download Download Download Download Download Download Download Download Download Revise Complete Science for Class 10....

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Combination of lenses and mirrors - Ray Optics - eSaral

Hey, do you want to learn about the Combination of lenses and mirrors? If yes. Then you are at the right place. Combination of Lenses and Mirror: When several lenses or mirrors are used co-axially, the image formation is considered one after another in steps. The image formed by the lens facing the object serves as an object for the next lens or mirror the image formed by the second lens (or mirror) acts as an object for the third and so on. The total magnification is such situations will be giv...

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What is total internal reflection of light - Physics - eSaral

Hey, do you want to know What is a total internal reflection of light? If yes. Then you are at the right place. Total internal Reflection In case of refraction of light, from Snell’s law, we have $\mu_{1} \sin \mathrm{i}=\mu_{2} \sin \mathrm{r}$......(1) If the light is passing from denser to the rarer medium through a plane boundary then$\mu_{1}=\mu_{\mathrm{D}}$ and $\mu_{2}=\mu_{\mathrm{R}}$ so with $\mu=\left(\mu_{\mathrm{D}} / \mu_{\mathrm{R}}\right)$ $\sin \mathrm{i}=\frac{\mu_{\mathrm{R}}...

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Magnetic effect of electric current - Class 10 - Short Notes (Mind Maps)

Get to learn all the formulae and important points of the Magnetic effect of electric current through this Mind Map. Download and share with your friends also. India's Best Exam Preparation for Class 10th - Download Now Download India's Best Exam Preparation for Class 10th - Download Now Download India's Best Exam Preparation for Class 10th - Download Now Download India's Best Exam Preparation for Class 10th - Download Now Revise Complete Science for Class 10....

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The human eye and the colorful world - Class 10 - Short Notes (Mind Maps)

Get to learn all the formulae and important points of The human eye and the colorful world through this Mind Map. Download and share with your friends also. Download Download Revise Complete Science for Class 10....

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Refraction through a rectangular glass slab - Physics - eSaral

Hey, do you want to learn about Refraction through a rectangular glass slab? If so. Then keep reading. Refraction through slab: The Refractive index thickness of the glass slab is µ t respectively. One light ray AB incidents on a slab, Displacement produced, in emergent ray due to refraction. $x=\frac{t \sin (i-r)}{\cos r}=t \sec r \sin (i-r)$ (a) When an object is in denser medium observer in rarer medium: The thickness of a denser medium is t, in which an object is at a point O. Due to refract...

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Snell's law of refraction - Ray Optics, Physics - eSaral

Hey, do you want to learn about Snell's law of refraction? If yes. Then keep reading. Snell’s Law: For any two media and for the light of a given wavelength, the ratio of the sine of the angle of incidence to the sine of the angle of refraction is a constant. $\frac{\operatorname{Sin} \mathrm{i}}{\operatorname{Sin} \mathrm{r}}=$ constant, Where i = incidence angle r = refraction angle. The incident ray, the refracted ray, and the normal at the incident point all lie in the same plane. Frequency ...

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