Which of the following are cubes of odd natural numbers?


Which of the following are cubes of odd natural numbers?

125, 343, 1728, 4096, 32768, 6859


We know that the cubes of all odd natural numbers are odd. The numbers 125, 343, and 6859 are cubes of odd natural numbers.

Any natural numbers could be either even or odd. Therefore, if a natural number is not even, it is odd. Now, the numbers 125, 343 and 6859 are odd (It could be verified by divisibility test of 2, i.e., a number is divisible by 2 if it ends with 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8). None of the three numbers 125, 343 and 6859 are divisible by 2. Therefore, they are not even, they are odd. The numbers 1728, 4096 and 32768 are even.

Thus, cubes of odd natural numbers are 125, 343 and 6859.

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