The parameters of the unit cell of a substance are


The parameters of the unit cell of a substance are $\mathrm{a}=2.5, \mathrm{~b}=3.0, \mathrm{c}=4.0, \alpha=90^{\circ}, \beta=120^{\circ} \gamma=90^{\circ}$. The crystal system of the substance is :

  1. Hexagonal

  2. Orthorhombic

  3. Monoclinic

  4. Triclinic

Correct Option: , 3


$\mathrm{a} \neq \mathrm{b} \neq \mathrm{c}$ and $\alpha=\gamma=90^{\circ} \neq \beta$

are parameters of monoclinic unit cell.

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