How many words can be formed by the letters of the word ‘SUNDAY’?
Given: We have 6 letters
To Find: Number of words formed with Letter of the word 'SUNDAY:'
'SUNDAY' consist of 6 letters.
NOTE: - Unless specified, assume that repetition is not allowed.
Let us represent the arrangement with an example
6 ways 5 ways 4 ways 3 ways 2 ways 1 way
We have 6 places
First place can be filled with 6 letters, i.e. S,U,N,D,A,Y = 6 way
Second place can be filled with 5 letters (as one letter is already used in the first place) = 5 ways
Third place can be filled with 4 letters $=4$ ways
The fourth place can be filled with 3 letters $=3$ ways
The fifth place can be filled with 2 letters $=2$ ways
The sixth place can be filled with 1 letters = 1 ways
Total number of letters $=6 \times 5 \times 4 \times 3 \times 2 \times 1=720$
720 words can be formed by the letters of the word 'SUNDAY.'