Can you identify the correct sequence of taxonomical categories?

Can you identify the correct sequence of taxonomical categories?

(a) Species $\rightarrow$ Order $\rightarrow$ Phylum $\rightarrow$ Kingdom

(b) Genus $\rightarrow$ Species $\rightarrow$ Order $\rightarrow$ Kingdom

(c) Species $\rightarrow$ Genus $\rightarrow$ Order $\rightarrow$ Phylum


The correct hierarchical arrangement of taxonomic categories in ascending order is

Species $\rightarrow$ Genus $\rightarrow$ Family $\rightarrow$ Order $\rightarrow$ Class $\rightarrow$ Phylum $\rightarrow$ Kingdom

Therefore, both (a) and (c) represent correct sequences of taxonomic categories.

In sequence (b), species should be followed by genus. Therefore, it does not represent the correct sequence.

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