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NCERT Solutions Class 8 Science - Chapter 1 Crop Production and Management - PDF Download

JEE Mains & Advanced

NCERT solutions for class 8 science chapter 1 Crop production and management guide you with the answer to the questions in the book. Class 8 is a crucial stage in a student's life as it introduces many new concepts which are crucial to establish solid foundations for the subjects to be taught in class 9. In order to score high marks in the class 8 exam, students need to solve the example questions given at the conclusion of each chapter of each class 8 NCERT books.

Chapter 1 of science class 8 is an interesting chapter, which teaches students about the crop production and management process. It is an important chapter, from which many questions arise during the final science exam. Therefore, it is recommended that students work on the NCERT solutions of class 8 science chapter 1. However, if you are having difficulty in writing the NCERT solutions for science class 8 science chapter 1. Instead, you can get the academic support of experts from eSaral. At eSaral, we provide class 8 science chapter 1 NCERT solutions pdf for free.

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 1 Topics

Section Name

Topic Name


Crop Production and Management


Agricultural Practices


Basic Practices of Crop Production


Preparation of Soil




Adding Manure and Fertilisers




Protection from weeds





1.1 Agricultural Practices: Agriculture is the practice of growing crops, keeping livestock, managing land for the production of food, fiber and other agricultural goods. Agriculture encompasses many different techniques and methods that have developed over time, including advances in science, technology and sustainability.

1.2 Basic Practices of Crop Production: Farmers engage in a variety of activities over a long period of time in order to cultivate crops. These activities may be analogous to those of a gardener, or even those of a homeowner when cultivating ornamental plants. These activities are collectively referred to as "agricultural practices".

1.3 Preparation of Soil: Preparation of the soil is the initial step before the cultivation of a crop. Turning the soil and loosening it is one of the most significant processes in agriculture. This process enables the roots to penetrate deeply into the soil. Loose soil enables the roots to breathe easily, even when they are deep in the soil.

1.4 Sowing: Sowing is one of the most important steps in crop production. Seeds must be of a good quality, clean and healthy variety before sowing. Many farmers prefer to use high-yield seeds.

1.5 Adding Manure and Fertilizers: Manure and fertilizers play an important role in maintaining soil health and nutrients for crop growth. Manure and fertilizers help improve soil structure, encourage plant growth, and improve agricultural productivity.

1.6 Irrigation: Irrigation refers to the process of artificially adding water to the soil or land in order to promote the growth of plants and animals. Irrigation is an essential agricultural technique, especially in areas where there is little or no natural rainfall. Irrigation improves crop health, yields, and the sustainability of agricultural production.

1.7 Protection from weeds: Weeds play a critical role in crop management. They compete for water, nutrients and sunlight with crops, which can lead to lower yields and poorer quality. Weed management is a combination of prevention, cultural practices and, where appropriate, targeted application of herbicides.

1.8 Harvesting: Crop harvesting is a big deal. It's when you pull out or cut the crop close to the ground after it's ready to be harvested. A cereal crop usually takes around three to four months to ripen.

1.9 Storage: One of the most important things you can do is store your produce. If you want to store your harvested grains for a longer period of time, they need to be protected from moisture, pests, rats and microorganisms. Fresh harvested grains have more moisture. If you store your freshly harvested grains (seeds), they may become moldy or attacked by bacteria, making them unsuitable for use or germination.

Key Features of Class 8 Science Chapter 1

  • In order to feed our growing population, we must adopt certain agricultural practices. The same type of plant cultivated at the same place creates a crop. In India, the crops can be divided into two types based on the seasons – Rabi and Kharif. 

  • The soil must be prepared by tilling and leveling with ploughs or levelers. The seeds must be planted at the appropriate depth. 

  • The soil needs to be replenished and enriched with organic manure and fertilizers. The use of chemical fertilizers has increased significantly with the introduction of new crop varieties. 

  • The supply of water to the crops at the appropriate intervals is called irrigation. Weeding involves the removal of unwanted plants.

  • Harvesting involves cutting the mature crop manually or by machines. The grains are separated from the chaff by threshing. 

  • The grains must be stored properly to protect them from pests and microbes. Food is also produced from animals for which the animals are kept. This is known as animal husbandry.

Benefits of Downloading the PDF of NCERT Solutions Class 8 Science Chapter 1 Crop Production and Management

Downloading pdf of NCERT solutions for class 8 science chapter 1 “Crop production and management” can provide several advantages for students studying the topic. The following are some of the advantages that students can benefit from downloading NCERT solutions:

  • Students can access NCERT solutions anytime, anywhere, even if they don’t have an Internet connection.

  • NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 1is well structured and well-explained. you will be able to easily understand the topics and questions in Chapter 1.

  • eSaral is known for producing high-quality educational content. eSaral’s NCERT solutions are likely accurate, reliable and written in clear and easy to understand language, helping students to understand the concepts better.

  • NCERT solution can be used as a reference during your revision session. Referring to the solutions can help strengthen your memory and help you practice solving the questions.

  • Instead of carrying around a physical textbook or notebook, you can access the pdf directly on your device. This saves space and makes studying on the move easier.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1: What is crop production?

Answer 1: Crop production is the practice of cultivating and growing crops for a variety of uses, including food production, fiber production, pharmaceutical production, and more.

Question 2: What are the basic requirements for crop production?

Answer 2: Crop production is dependent on a variety of fundamental elements, such as the quality of the soil, the availability of water, the availability of sunlight, the availability of air, and the appropriate temperature. All of these elements work together to promote the growth and development of plants.



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