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NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi - Vasant - PDF Download

Class 8

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi Vasant is like a guiding light for students studying this captivating subject. The Class 8 Hindi Vasant NCERT solutions provide answers to all the questions and exercises found in the NCERT textbook. They are the perfect companion for students looking to excel in their Hindi studies.

One of the key advantages of these NCERT solutions is their comprehensive coverage. They leave no stone unturned when it comes to the Class 8 Hindi Vasant syllabus. Whether you're struggling with a challenging concept or need assistance with specific questions, these solutions have got you covered.

The Class 8 Hindi Vasant NCERT solutions are also known for their clarity and simplicity. They are crafted by subject experts who understand the needs of students. The explanations are easy to understand, making it easier for students to grasp the concepts. This clarity is particularly helpful for students who may find Hindi a bit tricky.

One of the best things about these solutions is their accessibility. You can easily download the Class 8 Hindi Vasant NCERT solutions in PDF format for free. This means that students from all over the country, regardless of their location or economic background, can access these valuable resources. It's all about providing equal opportunities for quality education.

Another significant benefit is the convenience they offer for revision. The Class 8 Hindi Vasant NCERT solutions are a valuable tool for revision. You can quickly go through the solutions to refresh your memory and reinforce your understanding of the subject. This is especially helpful before exams when you need to cover a lot of ground.

In conclusion, the Class 8 Hindi Vasant NCERT solutions are a priceless asset for students. They offer comprehensive coverage, clarity of concepts, accessibility, and convenience for revision. By using these solutions effectively, students can enhance their Hindi skills, boost their confidence, and perform well in their exams. So, if you're a Class 8 student studying Hindi Vasant, don't miss out on these fantastic resources. Download the Class 8 Hindi Vasant NCERT solutions in PDF format and embark on a journey towards Hindi excellence!

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi - Vasant

The NCERT Vasant book for Class 8 is a highly valuable resource when it comes to preparing for tests and exams. This book is like a treasure chest of knowledge that has everything you need to do well in your exams and achieve the grades you desire. The best part is that it's perfect for self-study because it's written in a simple and easy-to-understand language.

This textbook doesn't just help you prepare for exams; it also plays a crucial role in improving your Hindi language skills. It reinforces the fundamental concepts of the language, making it easier for you to understand and communicate effectively in Hindi. That's why not only CBSE but many other state boards recommend this NCERT Book to students. They know that studying from this book can help you become more proficient in Hindi and score well in your exams.

So, if you're a student in Class 8 and want to excel in Hindi, the NCERT Vasant book is your go-to resource. It's not just a textbook; it's your key to success in Hindi and your path to better grades in your examinations. Don't miss out on the opportunity to improve your linguistic competence and perform well in your exams – make the most of the NCERT Vasant book for Class 8!

Here is the list of chapters included in the Class 8 Hindi textbook- Vasant:

NCERT Solutions Class 8 Hindi (Vasant) Chapter-wise List

Chapter 1 - Lakh Ki Chudiyan

Chapter 2 - Bus ki Yatra

Chapter 3 - Deewanon Ki Hasti

Chapter 4 - Bhagwan Ke Daakiye

Chapter 5 - Kya Nirash Hua Jaye

Chapter 6 - Yeh Sabse Kathin Samay Nahi

Chapter 7 - Kabir Ki Sakhiyan

Chapter 8 - Sudama Charitra

Chapter 9 - Jaha Pahiya hai

Chapter 10 - Akbari Lota

Chapter 11 - Surdas Ke Pad

Here is the overview of all the chapters included in the CBSE class 8 Hindi textbook- Vasant:

Chapter 1 - Lakh Ki Chudiyan

The story "Lakh Ki Chudiyan" in Class 8 Hindi Vasant depicts the sorrow of the village's industry ending due to urbanization and industrial development. This story also illustrates the economic reasons behind the breakdown of simple relationships in the village and the cultural loss.

This story revolves around a child and his maternal uncle, Badlu Mama. Badlu Mama gives the child a toy gun, which makes the child very happy. As time passes, the child grows up and returns to the village once again. During a formal conversation with Badlu Mama, he learns that the work of making "Lakh Ki Chudiyan" (lac bangles) in the village is almost coming to an end due to changing times.

Badlu Mama is saddened by this change, but he doesn't give up on his principles and finds other ways to make a living. This story teaches us that even in changing circumstances, one should not abandon their principles and values. The author emphasizes the impact of changing times on small industries. Badlu Mama used to make beautiful bangles, but with the arrival of the machine age, the demand for glass bangles increased.

In this context, the author mentions that women in the village prefer glass bangles over lac bangles because glass bangles are delicate. Badlu Mama is reluctant to switch to making glass bangles as he considers them fragile and not as beautiful as lac bangles. The story highlights the conflict between traditional and modern methods of production and how this affects the livelihoods of people in the village.

In conclusion, the story "Lakh Ki Chudiyan" reflects the changing times and its impact on traditional industries and values. It showcases the resilience of a character like Badlu Mama, who doesn't compromise on his principles despite the changing economic landscape. The story also underscores the importance of adapting to new circumstances while preserving one's core values.

Chapter 2 - Bus ki Yatra

In this article, the author shares their personal experience of a bus journey. They describe a trip they took on an old bus to reach Panna. The article vividly portrays the various experiences, challenges, and humorous incidents encountered during this journey, shedding light on the condition of the buses operated by the transportation department. Once, the author and their four friends decided to catch a bus to Jabalpur. However, some people advised them not to travel on that particular bus due to its old and worn-out condition. Ignoring the advice, they boarded the bus. As the journey progressed, they began to experience the quirks and idiosyncrasies of the bus.

The author humorously describes how the bus seems to have a personality of its own. They ponder whether they are sitting on the seat or the seat is sitting on them, highlighting the uncomfortable and creaky condition of the bus. They even humorously suggest that the bus must belong to the time of Gandhi's non-cooperation movement because all its parts seemed to be in non-cooperation with each other. As the journey continues, the bus encounters various issues, including a punctured tire and slow speed. The passengers resign themselves to the delays and uncertainties, finding solace in laughter and light-hearted banter. Despite the challenges, the author and their friends choose to embrace the situation with a positive attitude.

In the end, when the bus finally reaches its destination, the author reflects on the journey. They decide to let go of fear and discomfort, choosing to find joy in the experience. This article captures the essence of an adventurous and eventful bus journey, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a cheerful outlook even in the face of adversity.

Chapter 3 - Deewanon Ki Hasti

In this poem, the poet beautifully expresses the love-filled heart within them. The poet is known for their deeply affectionate nature, and this poem reflects that love. They love everyone in the world and share happiness wherever they go, and this is the message conveyed in the poem.

The poet lives their life in a carefree and joyful manner, spreading love and happiness to all. They believe in cherishing life in their unique way, and their message is about sharing love with everyone around them. The poem teaches us the importance of being affectionate and compassionate towards others. Through this poem, the poet imparts a valuable lesson that we should all practice loving behavior with everyone we encounter. They share joy wherever they go, and even in moments of happiness or tears, they do not blame anyone else. This is a great quality of humanity that the poet embodies.

The poet's carefree and joyful nature is evident in the poem. They are like a wanderer who never stays in one place for too long. They collect memories from the world and continue on their new journeys. They understand and accept both joy and sorrow, embracing life with an open heart. The poet is not bound by worldly attachments, and they live their life with a free spirit. They find contentment in the life they have chosen and wish to continue on this path. The poem encourages us to adopt a similar approach to life, spreading love and happiness wherever we go, and accepting both the highs and lows of life with grace.

Chapter 4 - Bhagwan Ke Daakiye

In this poem, the poet conveys that God sends messages through clouds to the trees, plants, and mountains. When clouds bring rain, it brings a message of joy for them. The poet believes that the entire world is one because nature does not differentiate between nations. They say that no one can create boundaries for the fragrance of one country to reach another. This poem's language is simple, using words from Sanskrit and regional languages, making it easy to understand.

According to the poet, God sends messages to the trees, plants, and mountains through the clouds. Our nature does not discriminate; it doesn't differentiate between different countries. Clouds travel from one country to another, bringing rain as a message of joy. When clouds from one land travel to another and bring rain, it proves that they have brought a message to that place. Ultimately, the whole world is one; God has created it that way. We should not discriminate because nature hasn't made any distinctions. Why do humans do it then? We should not maintain any kind of discrimination in our hearts and minds. We should promote humanity and love. This beautiful poem is written with this sentiment in mind.

In this poem, "Dinkar" Ji tells us that birds and clouds are messengers of God, carrying messages from one vast land to another. We may not understand the letters they bring, but trees, water, and mountains can read them. Here, the poet portrays clouds in the sky and birds flying on their wings. They say that the fragrant air from one land reaches another through the wings of birds. Similarly, clouds carry the vapor from one land and, like rain, it falls in another.

Chapter 5 - Kya Nirash Hua Jaye

The essay "Kya Nirash Hua Jaye," written by Hazari Prasad Dwivedi, is a remarkable piece. In this text, the author not only highlights the prevailing social ills in the country but also emphasizes the need to bring forth goodness. He mentions that when people read the newspapers today, they feel that honesty and integrity have vanished. In the present times, individuals are seen as more wicked than virtuous.

The author believes that we should not give in to greed, attachment, lust, anger, and similar vices but confront them with determination. He goes on to say that we should not become mere puppets in someone else's hands. Law and religion are distinct entities, yet some people prioritize law over morality. In society, some individuals take pleasure in discussing negativity, which the author disapproves of. Indulging in negativity is not a good thing. According to the author, truth still exists in the world, and he provides several examples to support this claim.

The author expresses his sorrow over the widespread activities of dacoity, theft, smuggling, and corruption in modern times. Nowadays, reading the news makes people lose faith in humanity. He points out that the dream of India that Mahatma Gandhi, Bal Gangadhar Tilak, and Rabindranath Tagore once had is no longer the same. In today's era, honest individuals are struggling to make ends meet while dishonest ones hold power.

The author believes that Indians have always had a contented nature. Laws have been created to fulfill the basic needs of ordinary people, but today's individuals lack honesty. In India, the law is considered a form of religion, but some still prioritize law over morality. The author mentions some individuals who uphold the values of honesty and truthfulness even in today's world, giving them hope. He refers to incidents at the railway station and on the web as examples.

Through this essay, the author encourages readers not to lose hope. He cites an example from Tagore's prayer song, where Tagore prays to God to keep his focus on Him no matter how many difficulties he faces. The author believes that one day, India will become the nation he envisions, and therefore, one should not lose hope. In essence, Hazari Prasad Dwivedi's essay inspires people to continue striving for goodness and honesty in society despite the challenges and negativity that may exist. It reminds us that there is always room for positive change and that we should not become disheartened.

Chapter 6 - Yeh Sabse Kathin Samay Nahi

In this poem, the poetess conveys a beautiful message through a small bird. She tells us that as long as this little bird continues to build its nest, remains dedicated to this task, and holds falling leaves in its beak, the difficult times will not arrive. In other words, as long as ordinary activities continue, we cannot say that tough times have begun in this world.

The bird is busy with its work, which is to build a nest and preserve its eggs. Similarly, everyone has their role in life. Some people help by catching falling leaves or by offering a helping hand. Others, like grandparents, share stories and imaginative tales with their grandchildren, imparting valuable lessons.

Trains continue to bring travelers closer to their destinations. So, as long as these everyday tasks and helpful actions persist, we cannot declare that hard times are here. This poem reflects Jaya Ji's optimistic perspective on life. She is very hopeful, never giving up on the idea that as long as people maintain their simplicity, courage, and determination, and stay focused on their goals, difficult times won't come. Indeed, this is true.

It's a fact that when a person loses their determination, courage, and goal, that's when difficult times truly begin. The poem highlights that right now, like the bird gathering twigs for its nest, people are still ready to lend a helping hand to each other. Trains still arrive to take passengers to their destinations. People still listen to the stories narrated by elderly grandparents. So, the most challenging times haven't arrived yet.

Chapter 7 - Kabir Ki Sakhiyan

In these verses, Kabir Ji emphasizes the importance of judging a person based on their inner qualities rather than their outward appearance. He suggests that we should evaluate a person based on their wisdom and virtues. If someone says something negative, we should not pay attention to it and avoid responding with negativity because it only escalates the situation.

For instance, if one person uses harsh words, and the other person responds with harsh words in return, the situation worsens. Therefore, Kabir Ji advises us to ignore such negative comments and not engage in a verbal battle. Kabir Ji also mentions that human nature can be fickle. While a person may appear to be engaged in spiritual practices like chanting God's name with their hands busy in prayer beads, their mind may be wandering elsewhere. This implies that true communion with the divine comes from a focused and sincere heart, not just external rituals.

He further emphasizes that we should not underestimate or belittle others based on their stature or appearance. Sometimes, small things can have a significant impact. Kabir Ji tells us not to dismiss someone as insignificant, as they might become a source of great trouble. In the last couplet, Kabir Ji conveys that a person should not let their ego get the better of them. Instead, they should have compassion for others. He compares this to a wise elephant who doesn't crush a small ant while walking. This signifies the importance of understanding, tolerance, and kindness. Overall, Kabir Ji's verses carry profound messages about human behavior, emphasizing the significance of inner qualities, kindness, and patience in our interactions with others.

Chapter 8 - Sudama Charitra

The "Sudama Charit" is a beautiful composition based on the story of Lord Krishna and Sudama. It was written by the poet Narottam Das Ji, presented in the form of couplets (dohas), and feels like a play or drama based on the tale of Lord Krishna and Sudama.

In the verses of the "Sudama Charit," Narottam Das Ji vividly describes the meeting of Lord Krishna and Sudama, Sudama's impoverished condition, and the generosity of Lord Krishna. Sudama, after many years, comes to Dwarka to meet Lord Krishna, not out of any desire but because he was sent by his wife as a last resort. He had no personal wish. The composition beautifully portrays the reunion of the two friends and Sudama's humble state, as well as the magnanimity of Lord Krishna.

Sudama's visit to Lord Krishna and the description of his destitute condition show the depth of their friendship and Sudama's selfless nature. The composition emphasizes how Lord Krishna, as a true friend, unconditionally helps Sudama without him even uttering a word about his dire circumstances. It highlights how a true friend understands the unspoken feelings and needs of their companion and goes out of their way to help. Lord Krishna's actions in the narrative reflect the essence of friendship and generosity.

Overall, Narottam Das Ji's "Sudama Charit" beautifully captures the essence of the relationship between Lord Krishna and Sudama, portraying the selflessness, love, and generosity that define true friendship.

Chapter 9 - Jaha Pahiya hai

The text "Jaha Pahiya Hai" was written by Palgammi Sainath Ji. In this article, Palgammi Sainath Ji discusses a bicycle movement in the Tamil Nadu region, where women have turned the simple act of cycling into a form of empowerment, allowing them to become self-reliant and break free from the confines of their homes and society.

The bicycle wheel is presented as a symbol of this significant movement, where women, who were previously denied any form of freedom or the opportunity to work or earn a living outside their homes in a male-dominated society, have gained independence and self-sufficiency through its use.

The article describes the social changes and movements happening in the poverty-stricken district of Tamil Nadu. According to the author, people are choosing unconventional paths to break free from traditions. Many times, their choices are quite unconventional, as seen in the district where they have chosen cycling as a means to express their identity.

In this district, young girls and women are cycling, which signifies a significant shift in society's perception and treatment of women. The act of cycling not only strengthens their economic prospects but also instills a new sense of self-confidence in them.

In essence, the article highlights the remarkable transformation taking place in this Tamil Nadu district, where people are breaking free from age-old customs and traditions. They are choosing unique ways to assert their identity and independence, and the act of cycling has played a pivotal role in empowering women in this community.

Chapter 10 - Akbari Lota

The story "Akbari Lota'' by Annpoornanand is a humorous tale that presents a valuable lesson on solving problems with wit and intelligence, especially during difficult times. It also emphasizes the importance of true friendship and how a genuine friend can go to great lengths to help. The story revolves around two main characters, Lala Jhaoulal and his friend Pandit Bilwasi Mishra. Lala Jhaoulal is not very wealthy, but he can't be considered poor either. He faces a challenging situation when his wife demands 250 rupees and insists on getting it from her parents' home within seven days to maintain her dignity.

After five days have passed, Lala Jhaoulal, who is worried about not having the money, shares his predicament with his friend Bilwasi. However, at that time, Bilwasi didn't have the money either. He promises to come back the next day with the money, but when he doesn't show up on time, Jhaoulal becomes anxious and goes to fetch water from the rooftop. As he's drinking water from a disliked brass pot, it accidentally falls from his hands and lands on an Englishman who, along with a large crowd, enters their courtyard and starts berating Jhaoulal. Bilwasi, with his cleverness, swiftly turns the situation around by convincing the Englishman that the brass pot is a unique "Akbari Lota" worth 500 rupees.

Through this clever ruse, Bilwasi manages to sell the pot to the Englishman for 500 rupees, saving Jhaoulal's honor and providing the needed money. In the end, Jhaoulal is immensely grateful, and he thanks Bilwasi profusely. Bilwasi then secretly returns the 250 rupees from Jhaoulal's wife's dowry chest and goes back to sleep, showing his trust and friendship by repaying the borrowed money promptly. This humorous story teaches us the significance of using intelligence and wit to overcome challenges during trying times. It also highlights the value of genuine friendships, where a true friend can go to great lengths to help, even if it means using clever tactics to resolve a difficult situation.

Chapter 11 - Surdas Ke Pad

Surdas is regarded as one of the finest poets of the Krishna Bhakti tradition during the Bhakti period. Most of his compositions are centered around devotion. In these verses, the poet has beautifully depicted the enchanting image of the young Lord Krishna's divine and playful deeds. Here, Surdas expresses the essence of the tender love and care that Mother Yashoda showers upon her beloved son, Krishna, and how the milkmaids (gopiyas) come to complain about his playful mischief.

In Surdas's verses, the nurturing bond between the young Krishna and his mother is vividly portrayed. It illustrates how Mother Yashoda lovingly cares for her darling son and how the milkmaids come to her with complaints. Surdas captures the essence of Krishna's childhood and his relationship with his mother, as well as the playful pranks he played with the milkmaids.

The child Krishna's complaints to his mother are presented charmingly and endearingly. He skillfully conveys how Yashoda responds to her son's innocent grievances and assures him of her love. Surdas also portrays how the milkmaids express their concerns to Yashoda about Krishna's mischievous behavior. The verses beautifully depict Krishna's unique and beloved personality.

In these poems, Surdas has conveyed the emotions of Krishna's childhood and his special bond with Mother Yashoda. He also portrays how Krishna mischievously interacts with the milkmaids, showcasing the deep affection and playfulness of those moments. Surdas's verses convey the pain of separation experienced by the milkmaids when they are away from Krishna. Overall, these verses capture the essence of devotion, love, and the unique relationship between Lord Krishna, Mother Yashoda, and the milkmaids.

How to score more marks in Hindi (Vasant) in the class 8th Examination?

Scoring well in the Hindi (Vasant) exam in 8th grade requires a combination of effective study strategies and a clear understanding of the subject. Here are some tips to help you score more marks in your 8th-grade Hindi (Vasant) examination:

Understand the Syllabus: Start by thoroughly understanding the syllabus for your Hindi (Vasant) exam. Know which chapters and topics are included, and create a study plan accordingly. This will help you cover all the essential areas.

Read Regularly: Develop a habit of reading Hindi books, newspapers, and magazines regularly. Reading will improve your comprehension skills, vocabulary, and your understanding of different writing styles.

Focus on Grammar: Hindi grammar is crucial. Understand the rules of grammar, such as tenses, gender, number, and sentence structure. Practice by solving grammar exercises and worksheets.

Writing Practice: Practice writing essays, letters, and stories in Hindi. Pay attention to the format, language, and coherence of your writing. Try to incorporate new vocabulary and idiomatic expressions.

Learn and Revise Poems and Stories: Memorize important poems and stories from your textbook. Understand the meaning and context behind them, as questions often come from these sections.

Practice Comprehension: Work on your reading comprehension skills by solving exercises from your textbook. Try to answer questions related to the given passages accurately.

Solve Previous Years' Papers: Get hold of previous years' question papers and practice solving them within the time frame. This will give you an idea of the exam pattern and help you manage your time during the actual exam.

Seek Help: If you have doubts or face challenges with specific topics, don't hesitate to seek help from your teacher, classmates, or even online resources. Understanding concepts is essential.

Time Management: During the exam, allocate time wisely to different sections. Don't spend too much time on one question; if you're stuck, move on and return to it later.

Stay Calm and Confident: Finally, on the day of the exam, stay calm and confident. Read the questions carefully and answer them to the best of your knowledge. Don't rush; take your time.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1- How many chapters are there in Class 8 Hindi - Vasant textbook?

Answer 1- There are a total of 11 chapters in the Class 8 Hindi - Vasant textbook.


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