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NCERT Solutions for Class 12 English - Vistas

JEE Mains & Advanced

Class 12 English Vistas offers an extensive course that includes captivating tales penned by eminent authors throughout history. These stories convey splendid ideas, which students must explore and grasp to enhance their exam performance. To facilitate smoother preparation, the experts at eSaral have developed the perfect 12th English Vistas Solutions for students to follow. These solutions provide accurate answers and aid in honing their answering abilities.

Class 12 Vistas consists of a total of 8 chapters, and the NCERT Solutions for Class 12 English Vistas comprehensively discuss them. However, before diving into the solutions, students need to understand the significance of the subject they are about to prepare.

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 English - Vistas assists learners in concentrating on significant aspects and elucidating ideas using straightforward terms. For your entire academic year, Class 12 NCERT Solutions for English Vistas suffice as a reliable mentor. It encompasses diverse study materials and presents each subject matter with clear explanations. Moreover, it offers answers for practice exercises, both solved and unsolved, after each chapter. These step-by-step NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Vistas are arranged in PDF format and provided for effortless downloading, allowing you to study the subject offline whenever you desire.

English holds importance not only for examinations but also in all aspects of life. Considering this, it becomes crucial for students to have a strong foundation in the subject. This strong base will serve them well throughout their lives.

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 English Vistas - Chapter-wise List

Here is the list of chapters given in the Class 12 NCERT English textbook Vistas.

NCERT Solutions Class 12 English Vistas Chapter-wise List

Chapter 1 - The Third Level

Chapter 2 - The Tiger King

Chapter 3 - Journey to the End of the Earth

Chapter 4 - The Enemy

Chapter 5 - Should Wizard Hit Mommy

Chapter 6 - On the Face of It

Chapter 7 - Evans Tries an O-level

Chapter 8 - Memories of Childhood

Class 12 NCERT English Vistas Marks Allotment


Marks Allotment 

The Third Level

        7 marks 

The Enemy

Should Wizard Hit Mommy?

On The Face Of It,

Evans Tries an O Level

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 English Vistas

A brief chapters discussion of each chapter include in class 12 English NCERT textbook as follows:

Chapter 1: The Third Level

In New York, the Grand Central Station has two levels, but Charley, a 31-year-old city resident, believes there's a third level, which he claims to have visited. To discuss this matter, he seeks advice from a psychiatrist friend who explains it as a "walking-dream wish fulfillment." The psychiatrist suggests that people in the modern world, filled with fear, insecurity, war, and worries, often yearn for a temporary escape from reality. Hobbies like stamp collection can be indicators of this desire to escape.

Charley sometimes finds the Grand Central Station confusing, having lost his way a few times while taking the subway. Once, he ended up in the lobby of the Roosevelt Hotel, and another time, he appeared at an office building three blocks away. But this time, when he loses his way, something extraordinary happens – he discovers the elusive third level!

Chapter 2: The Tiger King

In New York, the Grand Central Station has two levels, but Charley, a 31-year-old city resident, believes there's a third level, which he claims to have visited. To discuss this matter, he seeks advice from a psychiatrist friend who explains it as a "walking-dream wish fulfillment." The psychiatrist suggests that people in the modern world, filled with fear, insecurity, war, and worries, often yearn for a temporary escape from reality. Hobbies like stamp collection can be indicators of this desire to escape.

Charley sometimes finds the Grand Central Station confusing, having lost his way a few times while taking the subway. Once, he ended up in the lobby of the Roosevelt Hotel, and another time, he appeared at an office building three blocks away. But this time, when he loses his way, something extraordinary happens – he discovers the elusive third level!

Chapter 3: Journey To The End of The Earth

It tells about a Japanese surgeon named Sadao, who went to study in America and met a Japanese girl named Hana there. They got married and returned to Japan to live. This happened during World War II when all the doctors were called to serve the Japanese army. But Sadao was allowed to stay back as he was taking care of an old General who was very sick.

One night, something significant happened that changed Sadao's life. He found an injured American Navy man who was dying from a gunshot wound. Although Sadao didn't want to help the enemy, he couldn't leave the young soldier to die. He decided to help him and brought him to his home to keep him safe. However, this act of kindness also brought danger to his doorstep. His servants left him, and he was afraid that the enemies might come for him and the soldier.

As days passed, the soldier started recovering, and he was no longer Sadao's patient. At first, Sadao planned to kill the soldier in his sleep to protect himself and his family. But as time went on, Sadao's humanity took over. He realized that every human life is valuable, and there should be no enmity based on nationality or boundaries. He understood the importance of universal brotherhood and saw the soldier not as an enemy but as a fellow human being. So, instead of harming him, Sadao decided to help the American soldier escape and saved his life.

Chapter 5: Should Wizard Hit Mommy

The story begins by introducing Jack, who has two little kids named Jo and Bobby. Jo's wife, Clare, is pregnant with their third child. To help Jo's daughter go to bed, Jack started making up bedtime stories for her when she was only 2 years old. This tradition continued, and Jack always made sure to tell a different story each time, but there was always a small creature named Roger in the stories, like Roger Fish or Roger Chipmunk.

As Jo is growing older, it's becoming a challenge to put her to bed for naps in the afternoons. So, one day, Jack decides to tell her a new story about Roger Skunk. In this tale, there is a little skunk that smells bad, and because of this, no other animals want to play with him, leaving him feeling very lonely. So, Roger Skunk goes to the wise old owl for help, and the owl sends him to the Wizard. The Wizard grants Roger Skunk's wish to smell like roses, and now all the animals happily play with him until it gets dark. When Jo thinks the story is over, Jack continues with more exciting adventures.

Chapter 6: On the Face of It

The story begins with a teenage boy named Derry, who goes into a garden to hide because of an accident that left one side of his face burned by acid. He's scared of facing people because they tease him for his appearance. As he enters the garden, he sees an old man named Mr. Lamb already there. Feeling guilty for not asking permission, Derry tries to leave, but Mr. Lamb stops him.

Mr. Lamb warmly welcomes Derry into the garden and encourages him not to leave just because of his presence. Derry believes people don't like him because of his face, which is why he wants to leave. However, Mr. Lamb insists he should stay. They start talking about how Derry feels that nobody likes him and how he hates the way people treat him. Mr. Lamb tries to comfort and console him during their conversation.

Chapter 7: Evans Tries an O-Level

The story begins with a well-known criminal named Evan, who has escaped from many prisons before. Currently, he is at Oxford prison. The secretary of the Examination Board receives a call from the governor of H.M. Prison, informing him that Evan has started attending night classes to learn O Level German. Evan desires to gain an academic qualification, so they arrange for him to take the exam. They find out that Evan has no history of violence; instead, he is quite amusing. They decide to hold the exam in Evan's cell and bring an invigilator from St Mary Mags. The governor is cautious because he knows Evan's capabilities.

The authorities do their best to help Evan prepare for the exam. They hire a German tutor who teaches Evan for six months, and they become friends during this time. The day of the exam arrives, and the officers inspect Evan's cell, removing anything that he could use to harm himself. They try to take away his hat, but Evan insists it's his lucky charm. They also bug his cell so the governor can listen in. The exam proceeds without any trouble, but afterward, they discover that the invigilator is injured and Evan has escaped.

They later find out that the invigilator was Evan's friend, and he had switched places with him to fool everyone. They manage to capture Evan, but he outsmarts them again, making a daring escape and becoming a free man. The governor is left amazed by Evan's cleverness and cunning.

Chapter 8: Memories of Childhood

The Memories of Childhood summary tells us about two different parts of two people's lives. The first part is about Zitkala Sa, and the second part is about Bama. Both Zitkala Sa and Bama had difficult lives because people treated them unfairly. Zitkala Sa faced discrimination because of her race, and Bama suffered because of her caste.

In these extracts, both writers talk about their childhood and how they experienced the culture around them. Unfortunately, the culture they grew up in was harsh and treated them badly when they were young. Both women share how they were oppressed during this time. However, they didn't just endure the mistreatment; they also fought back in their own ways. Even though they were still young, they understood that the mainstream culture was doing something wrong, and they rebelled against it because of the bitter experiences they had in their childhood."

How to score high in English Vistas in Class 12 Board Examination?

In CBSE Class 12 English Term 2 Syllabus, there are some important things to remember. Intensive reading is crucial, so make sure to read the texts carefully. When answering questions, structure your answers well to express your ideas clearly. Writing practice is essential to improve your skills, so try writing regularly. Don't forget to practice with sample papers, as they will help you understand the exam pattern better. Stick to the given format for different types of writing tasks. Aim for easy articulation of your thoughts and ideas. Lastly, keep your content well organized, so your answers are easy to follow and understand. By following these tips, you can excel in your Class 12 English exams.

Importance of Preparing NCERT Class 12 Solutions of English Vistas.

It allows you to assess your preparation level and check your understanding of different subjects. By answering questions with the help of NCERT Solutions, you gain an extra advantage in your preparation. These solutions are like a special tool that gives you an edge over others. Additionally, they serve as the best study resource for quick revisions. So, whenever you need to brush up on a topic, you can rely on NCERT Solutions to help you understand and revise it easily.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1: How many chapters are included in NCERT Class 12 English Vistas textbook as per updated CBSE Class 12 English syllabus ?

Answer 1: NCERT Class 12 English Vistas consists of 8 chapters that ignite your imagination and boost creativity. It also enhances your vocabulary and language skills. These chapters are designed to engage your mind and encourage you to think creatively. Moreover, they help you expand your word bank and improve your language knowledge. So, while studying Vistas, you will not only enjoy exploring different topics but also witness a significant improvement in your creative thinking and vocabulary.

Question 2: How many books are there in CBSE class 12th English syllabus?

Answer 2: There are two English textbooks for Class 12, namely "Flamingo" and "Vistas." They present interesting and engaging content that will make you think deeply about various subjects. To make your learning experience even better, you can rely on Esaral's NCERT Solutions for Class 12 English. These solutions are considered the finest, providing you with clear explanations and answers to all your questions. So, with these resources at your disposal, you can truly enjoy your English studies and excel in your class.



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