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NCERT Solutions Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 7 Redox Reaction - PDF Download

JEE Mains & Advanced

NCERT solutions for Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 7 is the best resource for the students who want to perform better in their exam. Students need to understand that redox reaction is at the core of the entire science of electrochemistry. Some concepts have been developed by our experts based on the answers. The questions have been prepared on the basis of the latest NCERT curriculum syllabus. Some critical questions have been included which will definitely help students to score high in their final exams. All solutions are discussed in detail along with chemical reactions and the formula.

After reading NCERT solutions Class 11 Chemistry chapter 7 Redox reaction, you will able to learn the definition of redox reaction, oxidation, reduction, oxidising agent, reducing agent, oxidation number, oxidation state, stock notation. You will also get to know about the types of redox reactions, balancing of redox reactions, limitation of concept of oxidation number, redox reactions and electrode processes, redox couple etc.

NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 7 Sections

Section Name

Topic Name


Redox reaction


Classical Idea of Redox Reactions – Oxidation And Reduction Reactions


Redox Reactions In Terms of Electron Transfer Reactions


Competitive Electron Transfer Reactions


Oxidation Number


Types of Redox Reactions


Balancing of Redox Reactions


Redox Reactions as The Basis For Titrations


Limitations of Concept of Oxidation Number


Redox Reactions And Electrode Processes

7.1 Classical Idea of Redox Reactions – Oxidation And Reduction Reactions: In this section, terms like oxidation reaction, reduction reaction and redox reactions are defined.

7.2 Redox Reactions In Terms of Electron Transfer Reactions: in this section, redox reactions in terms of electron transfer reactions and terms like oxidising agent and reducing agent are defined.

      7.2.1 Competitive electron transfer reactions: in this section, competitive electron transfer reactions are defined and  example of redox reaction between zinc and aqueous solution of copper nitrate occuring in a beaker is also defined.     

7.3 Oxidation number: The oxidation number indicates the oxidation state of an element in an element-containing compound. The oxidation state is determined by a set of rules, formulated on the basis that the electron pair in a covalent bonding belongs entirely to a more electronegative element.

Following subtopics of oxidation number will be discussed in this section:

  • Types of redox reactions: 

  • Balancing of redox reactions

  • Redox reactions as the basis for titrations

  • Limitations of concepts of oxidation number

7.4 Redox reactions and electrode processes: In chemistry, the concept of redox reactions is closely related to the concept of electrode processes, particularly in electrochemistry, the study of which focuses on the chemical processes of electron transfer between substances. The redox reactions are fundamental to electrochemistry, and are involved in the generation of electric current and potential differences within electrochemical cells.

7.5 Types of Redox Reactions: Redox reactions are the process of transferring electrons between different substances. These reactions play an important role in many chemical, biological and electrochemical reactions. Redox reactions can be divided into several categories based on their properties and uses. Here are some of the most common categories of redox reactions:

7.6 Balancing of Redox Reactions: Redox equilibrium refers to the balance between the number of lost electrons in oxidation and the number of gained electrons in reduction, as well as the number and types of atoms on either side of the reaction equation.

7.7 Redox Reactions as The Basis For Titrations: Redox reactions are the most common type of titration in chemistry. Basically, it's a way of measuring how much of a particular substance (called the analyte) is present in a solution. It's done by reacting a known amount of the analyte with a known amount of a different substance (called the titrant) at a known concentration.

7.8 Limitations of Concept of Oxidation Number: Oxidation number is a fundamental concept in chemistry that can be used to monitor the transfer of electrons during chemical reactions and to predict the behavior of substances and compounds. It is important to note that oxidation number has its limits and should be employed with caution in specific circumstances. There are some primary limitations of oxidation number that have been addressed in this section.

7.9 Redox Reactions And Electrode Processes: Redox reactions are basic chemical reactions that involve the transfer of electrons between two different chemical species. Redox reactions are involved in many chemical and electrochemical reactions, including those that take place in electrochemical cells or at electrodes.

Key Points of Class 11 Chemistry NCERT Solutions Chapter 7

  • Redox is the process of oxidation and reduction at the same time. There are four main redox reactions: combination reactions, decomposition reactions, disposition reactions, and disposition.

  • A combination reaction is a reaction in which two or more reagents or compounds are used to form a single product. For instance, calcium oxide is mixed with water to form calcium hydroxyide.

  • Decomposition reactions are chemical reactions that break down a single substance into its component parts. Hydrogen peroxide, for example, decomposes into water, oxygen, and other elements.

  • Disposition reactions are chemical processes in which one or more reactive elements are displaced from a molecule by other reactive elements. For instance, when iron is added to a copper sulfate solution, the copper metal is displaced.

  • Redox reactions are a class of reactions where oxidation and reduction occur at the same time. The oxidation, reductive, oxidising, and reductive agents have been studied according to each conceptualisation, and oxidation numbers are assigned according to a consistent set of rules. 

  • The oxidation number and the ion-electron approach are useful tools for writing equations for redox reactions. There are four categories of redox reactions: combination, decomposition displacement, disproportionation, and redox couple. 

  • The concept of redox processes and electrode processes are introduced here. Redox reactions have wide applications in electrode processes and cells.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1: What is a redox reaction?

Answer 1: Redox reactions are chemical reactions in which a substance loses electrons to another substance (oxidation) and another substance gains electrons (reduction), this is why it is known as oxidation-reduction reaction.

Question 2: What are half reactions ?

Answer 2:  A redox reaction can be divided into two half reactions: oxidation and reduction. In an oxidation reaction, electrons are lost. In a reduction reaction, electrons are gained.



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