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NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 11 Areas Related To Circles - PDF Download

JEE Mains & Advanced

The NCERT solutions for class 10 maths chapter 11 Areas related to Circles is the most important chapter. It introduces the mathematical formulas and concepts used to measure the area of a circle. This chapter is very important for students to learn and comprehend how the formulas for the area of curved figures are calculated. In NCERT solutions for class 10 maths chapter 11, students are exposed to questions that use different shapes. So, in this chapter, first, students learn how to find different parameters of the circle, polygon, arc, segment, etc. and then they learn how to use these concepts to solve questions. NCERT solutions for class 10 maths chapter 11 Areas related to Circles are available as a downloadable PDF to help students prepare well for the Board exams. Our subject experts at eSaral prepare the solutions.

NCERT solutions, which are solved questions, can be used by students to gain a better understanding of the relevant formulas and how they can be used to find the correct answers. These solutions are all in free PDF format, so you can easily download them and use them offline. Students can enhance their learning and preparation methods with the NCERT solutions that are available on the eSaral platform.

Important Topics covered in Chapter 11 - Areas Related To Circles

NCERT solutions for class 10 maths chapter 11 includes various topics related to Circles.

11.1 Areas of Sector and Segment of a Circle

11.1 Areas of Sector and Segment of a Circle - You have already learned about the terms sector and segment of a circle in previous classes. The part of the circular region enclosed by two radii and the corresponding arc is called a sector of the circle and the part of the circular region enclosed between a chord and the corresponding arc is called a segment of the circle.

This section discusses the area of the sector and segment of a circle and  formulas related to areas of the circle.

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 11 Exercises

Class 10 Maths chapter 11 all Exercises are available in a free PDF file to download. These NCERT solutions can be accessed online.

Exercise 11.1

14 Questions & Solutions

Benefits of Downloading The NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 11 - Areas Related to Circles

There are many advantages to downloading and using NCERT solutions for class 10 math chapters chapter 11. These solutions can help students to understand the topics related to circles and solve the related problems. Let’s look at some of the benefits of downloading and using class 10 math chapter 11 solutions:

  1. In NCERT solutions, exercise problems are solved in a straightforward manner for ease of learning and self-reliance in problem solving.

  2. These NCERT solutions ensure that students are adequately prepared for any type of question that may be posed in examinations.

  3. The solutions are a great way for students to review their work, giving them a chance to go over the concepts and strategies they covered in the chapter.

  4. By practicing these solutions, students learn how to manage their time effectively during exams and solve problems accurately within the given time frame.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1.  What is the benefit of using eSaral NCERT solutions for class 10 maths chapter 11 Areas Related to Circles ?

Answer 1. Preparing for your class 10 board exams is essential for your future, and with the help of subject experts, your preparation will be top-notch.The reference solutions provided by eSaral meet the requirements of a student intent on excelling in their examinations. The notes contain precise solutions that incorporate various strategies that assist students. 

Question 2. What is a segment of circle in NCERT solutions for class 10 maths chapter 11 ?

Answer 2. A segment of a circle  is a part of a circle that is delimited by a chord with a corresponding arc between the ends of the chord. Basically, a circular segment is a part of a circle that splits off from the other part of the circle using a secant, or a chord. Segments are defined as the parts of the circle that are separated by an arc and connected by a chord at the ends of the arc. Please note that these segments do not include the center point.



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